Being suitably dressed is really important if you are outside. There’s no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing! There’s nothing worse than being cold and wet so wearing the right clothing makes all the difference! Layers and older clothes are more suitable for woodland experiences.
We suggest …
– warm clothing top and bottom, in layers, so that participants can shed/add a layer if needed and still be comfortable;
– hat and gloves
– a waterproof outer layer, top and bottom – waterproof coat and trousers ARE STRONGLY ADVISED. Ensure that waterproofs are named as they often look very similar!
– waterproof shoes/boots in case it is wet/muddy.
– spare socks and a spare jumper
– a carrier bag to put any wet items in.
– layers of light clothing and something warm on top in case it is chilly.
– sun hat
– a waterproof coat. It still rains in the Summer in the UK;
– waterproof shoes/boots in case it is muddy. Trainers are acceptable, as long as they are sturdy. Socks must be worn.
– We recommend light weight trousers/leggings to be worn in the Summer as protection from woodland materials, plants, and of course the sun.
If your child is attending Explorers Holiday Club, we ask that extra clothing items (including waterproofs) are packed in a rucksack, so they can carry it easily.
Your children will need sufficient food and drink to see them through the day, bearing in mind that they will be outside and active all day:
– drink for the day – please make sure they have enough: we recommend at least a litre of fluid, preferably water. If you send them with juice cartons please also send them with a full water bottle.
– a mid-morning snack (just to keep them going)
– lunch
– a mid-afternoon snack
Food and drink should be named and packed in your child’s rucksack.